Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Little Princess

Every time someone asks me what is one of my biggest assets, without batting an eyelid I would go "Confidence!!" and flash a batteesi at them... Even when i was a kid, I was known for total confidence in getting onto the dais and giving a speech or manage a group of 3 other kids and inspiring them to play games which I wanted to play... Well, i seriously wonder where is all that confidence now?? Did it completely exhaust itself and I have no essence of that confidence left in me? Hmmm... I wonder... Or maybe, as Burnett's Little Princess says, its easy to be good and perfect when everything goes right... But what about when we are not in the best of situations? Little Princess is supposedly a children's classic, but I think it has a lot of lessons to give us for life. It's about how a little girl imagines herself as a Princess... Heck, her father's a major cap'n dude, so in the beginning she IS as good as a princess, but the story's about how little Sarah maintains her sanity by imagining herself as a princess and acting like one when life throws (not lemons) boulders at her... I've been one of the best persons when all has been well for me... Well, I think now is the time I show that I AM still the best, whatever the situation might be... Now is the time for me to be a 'Little Princess'...

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